How to Apply
MMUF Information Session
Attend an Emory MMUF Information Session. Sessions are held in the fall at the Oxford and Emory campuses and in the spring at the Emory campus.Complete the Emory MMUF Application
Applications are typically available at the end of December and are due in February.
Secure a MMUF faculty mentor with whom you would like to work.Forms Needed ASAP
Send the Faculty Mentor Statement and Faculty Recommendation form links to two separate Emory faculty persons as early as possible.
MMUF Program Meeting
Meet with Dr. Dianne Stewart (Faculty Coordinator, Emory campus) or Dr. Pablo Palomino (Liaison, Oxford Campus) to discuss the MMUF Program in greater detail.Academic Path / Research Area
MMUF applicants will be evaluated based on their academic credentials and coursework, their discipline and professional plans, and their potential to challenge colonial frameworks and bring historically underrepresented perspectives to the academy. Possible areas of exploration that applicants might choose include:
- Historical and contemporary treatments of race/racialization and racial formation;
- Intersectional experience and analysis;
- Gender and sexuality;
- Indigenous histories and cultures of Africa and the Americas;
- Questions about diaspora;
- Coloniality and decolonization;
- The carceral state;
- Migration and immigration;
- Urban inequalities and ethnographies;
- Social movements and mass mobilizations;
- The transatlantic slave trade;
- Settler colonial societies;
- Racial disparities and outcomes;
- Literary accounts and artistic narratives of agency, subjectivity, and community;
- And religious, spiritual, and philosophical accounts of agency, subjectivity, and community, among other areas.
If selected for an interview, prepare adequately with your prospective mentor. Be prepared to articulate your broad scholarly goals and particular disciplinary research interests.
(Research interests must be in a Mellon-designated field. See list below.)
Disciplinary Areas
- Anthropology and Archaeology
Area/Cultural/Ethnic/Gender Studies - Art History
- Classics
- English
- Film, Cinema and Media Studies (theoretical focus)
Geography and Population Studies - Musicology and Ethnomusicology
- Foreign Languages and Literatures
- History
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Performance Studies (theoretical focus)
- Philosophy and Political Theory
- Religion and Theology
- Sociology
- Theater (non-performance focus)
Interdisciplinary Studies: Interdisciplinary areas of study may be eligible if they have one or more Mellon fields at their core.
Other fields that employ historical and philosophical methods may also be eligible.